
Travel By GP

Creating exceptional travel experiences that make you feel extraordinarily happy.

 Have a nice Day!

Do you Have the right tools to plan a great Trip?

I don’t like answering a question with a question but, this is my response when  travelers come to me for the first time and having never used a Travel Advisor, are intrigued by how much they can really get out of this new “partnership”.  The reason I ask this, is not just out of concern for their investment, but truly because I believe travel planning should be the one of most exciting part of your trip. If the task is left to one person + Mr. Google, there is little enjoyment turns in thousands of hits, information overload and frustration due to the unknown.

In our world of multitasking and over achievement where we insist on curating everything from our kids lunch boxes to the IG perfect family trip, we are giving up incredible amounts of our true  non-renewable resource which is our TIME. Every second, every minute, every hour that is gone we are not getting it back. So here is where my questioning begins, when we take on the task of planning our own travel, are we really moving forward or are we just running around in internet circles trying to find answers to the unknown? because the truth is simple, we don’t know what we don’t know. Have you ever had a slight a headache and went on WebMd to figure out what could be? Of course you have.

Your Travel Advisor will efficiently help you navigate through the clutter, eliminating hundreds, if not thousands, of products and offers that are not of your interest. They will narrow the choices down to your, personalty, travel style and budget. And this is just the start of what they can do for you. So before you start planning your next trip, ask yourself these simple questions and keep I mind my simple answers.

  1. Do I have enough contacts and resources around the world that I can reach out to so they can help me out? The answer most likely is no. In contrast, Your Travel Advisors has access to key Tavel Industry contacts and partnerships all over the world. They rely on these, to make sure your travel experience is enhanced from the moment you leave your home until your return. These solid, resourceful relationships cannot be googled and they take years in the making, even as an avid travelers you have non to very little access to these, a quick browse through your phone contacts will prove this right. 

  2. Am I making this decision based on what is right for me or just because it looks like an amazing deal? Your Travel Advisor protects your investment and your interests. Your TA is not distracted by flashy ads. Your TA will give you advise and accurate feedback based on what is right for you. Their most valuable asset is not the hotel, the cruise or the Tour Operator, but a long standing relationship with you, the trip you are collaborating on and the many trips to come. 

  3. How much have I traveled in the past 2 years and how much did I really love these experiences? Well here is another truth. There is a strong chance, your Travel Advisor has travelled more than you have. This does not mean they have been to more places or been everywhere, (although they are working very hard at it) it means traveling is a big part of their job description, this makes them experienced world travelers, they travel constantly and travel well. They know the Dos, Don’ts, tips and best practices of travel. They will gladly share these with you to elevate your travel experience every time. Even on personal holidays, they are looking at things from a TA stand point, always thinking which client will love this? Or, OMG This is perfect for that girls trip! TAs are the ultimate travel wish  list match makers! 

  4. Last but certainly not least ask yourself is this really worth my time and should I really be focused on this in addition to my already saturated to do list? Your Travel Advisor will save you time and frustration. It requires significant amount of time (days, weeks or more) to narrow down options and even when coming to down to a few options you are most likely just rolling the dice. Think of Your TA, as your best “Advanced Search option”. They are travel experts and this is what they do, not a spare time hobby but their day in and day out passion and career of choice.

Hope this Wednesday Wisdom was useful, until the next time, Travel well and travel often my friends,

Cheers ! 



Think of Your TA, as your best “Advanced Search option”.

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